WARP to acquire how2rp.com to bring the joy and community of roleplaying to everyone, across every online world

REDMOND, Oregon – April 1., 2023 – Since our foundation in 2006, we are proud to be the no#1 source for explanations for roleplaying and getting millions of players more immersed into their favorite worlds. Over the years, it was always an honor to meet friends and guild leaders who started their roleplaying journey on how2rp, either because they found it themselves or were pointed here by fellow roleplayers.

Today, WARP Corp. announced plans to acquire how2rp.com (formerly: how2roleplay.us), a leader in the roleplaying multiverse. 

With the new funding and know-how of the WARP team, we want to make sure that how2rp.com can not only keep up it’s quality, but exceed your expectations for the aspiring best roleplaying explanation site on the web. We will bring more guides, more videos, more examples and all of that – as you already know it – always short, clear and (in the best case) also fun.

“Roleplaying is the best hobby in the world. This acquisition will bring roleplaying to more awesome imaginative people than ever before.”, said Sunija, CEO and founder of WARP. “And to the critics I want to say: This merger definitely didn’t at at all take away any time that could have theoretically been spend on making WARP less dependant on the unstable GW2 API. Really.”

WARP will acquire how2rp.com for an undisclosed number in the upper double digits, 200 gold and (allegedly) 20 gems. Regulatory offices still have to approve the merger, but we’re confident that how2rp.com will start working together with the WARP team at the end of April.

Gnashblade & Co. LLC is serving as financial advisor to WARP and Aurelia & Demena is serving as legal counsel. Caudecus & Company LLC is acting as financial advisor to how2rp.com.

There will be a recording of the conference call available shortly after the call was held on April first 2023. To access that recording: tba


About WARP
WARP (World Adventure Role Playing) is a roleplaying overlay for Guild Wars 2 that was released in 2019. It adds roleplaying functionalities to Guild Wars 2, such as character profiles, an online list and ip changes. WARP is working to expand into the area of custom RP items and an advanced RP chat.

About how2rp
How2rp.com is a long-running website that set itself the goal to make anyone interested in RP to actually try it, and help established roleplayers to enhance their RP experience. How2rp.com strives to provide short and comprehensive guides that are understandable to all.

As a member of the Fortune 500.000 websites, we have an extraordinary track record of delivering superior roleplaying experiences for more than 15 years.

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